Coconut Oil
Based Customer Demand

PT. Roepa Agro Indonesia is exporter of derivatives coconut product include coconut oil CNO, RBD CNO and waste product copra meal



Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil is produced by cold-pressing the liquid from the coconut meat, later extracting the oil from milk and water and has a milky appearance. it is 100% natural, unbleached and cold-pressed. Visit our factory / get a free sample now!

Coconut Oil (CCNO & RBD)

RBD Coconut Oil obtained from the copra of organic coconut harvested in Indonesia, using best tradional extraxtion process. The RBD oil is produced from copra (the dry coconut kernel), after which the crude oil si removed by process called ‘hydraulic press. Afterward, the oil filtered, bleached, and deodorized to remove contaminants like micro-organism by increasing the temperature. This ‘Refining, Bleaching, Deodorizing’ process helps the organic coconut oil to maintain its oil to maintain its oil form but in a clearer and odorless form of coconut oil.

Copra Meal

Copra meal or coconut meal is the by-product of the oil extraction from dried coconut kernels (copra) that is subsequently dried and crushed into powder or chips. Our copra meal contains high quality protein, decent fat content and a lot of nutrients, making it a perfect choice for livestock feeds. It provides an excellent source of energy and effectively boosts immune systems without the risks of feeding high starch meals or medicines.



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Our Coconut Oil

There are many Coconut Oil manufacturers, why should you choose
Coconatee Indonesia ?


Our Coconut Oil production process are done with well standardized and hygiene procedure.


We strictly follow internationally accepted industrial food processing, cosmetics, oleochemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

ECO Friendly

We also selling copra meal waste product from extracted copra, we ensure there is no waste or negative environmental

Private Label

We can deliver in full printing packaging standard with Inner Plastic, Inner Box and Master Box.

About Us

PT. Roepa Agro Group

Office address :

Menawan, Kec. Gebog, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59333

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+62 882 3204 5769

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